Publishing a Blog Post or Feature Article
- Login to your account. If you are on the Front End (see what the public sees) move your cursor to the top left of the page and rollover Psychology Info, then click on Dashboard. On the left side of the Dashboard, click on “Posts – Add new.” (If you want to edit Posts you already wrote see instructions at the bottom of this page).
- Type a Title. Do not worry about templates as the website uses predesigned layouts for articles and posts.
- Under Primary Category, click on the drop-down menu and select a category. Note that Feature Article is one of the Categories, along with all the Blog categories. You do not need to select any of the other choices on the left side of the page.
- Under the Title, you can type the article/post, or copy and paste from as word file. If you copy/paste, Paste as plain text. After entering the content of the Post, go to the right side of the Dashboard and select the Post tab, if it is not already selected. Click on the Categories list and select the same category you selected as the Primary Category on the left side of the Dashboard. You may also select an additional Category. For example, if the Post is about Adolescent Depression, you can select Depression as the Primary category and then also select Children and Adolescents as an additional category. This will cause the Post to be listed under both categories.
- Go to the Excerpts heading. You can choose to write a short excerpt to summarize the post. If you do not write an excerpt, WordPress will create an excerpt using the first 55 characters of the Post.
- Select Featured Image. This will allow you to insert an image at the top of the Post. When you click on the box labeled “Set Featured Image” you will see several choices. Click on Media Library to select an image from over 500 images we have licensed for the website. You can enter topics in the search box to filter the media library choices, such as child, counseling, anxiety etc. If the search results list more than 80 images, you can click “Add more” to display all the images in your search results. These images are available to all members to use on this website. If you wish to use an image elsewhere (such as on your own website), they are available through Deposit photos.
- Click Publish at the top Right and your post will be published.
- How to Edit a post – Go to the Dashboard as explained above and click on All Posts. You will see a list of all Posts you have published. They are listed with the most recent Posts first. However, you can go to the “All Dates” tab and select posts by month. You can also list the Posts for a single Category. (You only have access to Posts you have written).
- If you hover over a Post, you will see an option to Edit. This will allow you to edit the post, add additional text, or add an additional category for the post. If you update a post, you can change the publication date (Right column under the Post tab) to reflect the revision. On the right, you will see the original Publish date. Click on the date and select the new publication date. You can also change the Featured image on the right (Replace image).
Completing Your Profile
- You were provided with a login and password. Use the login and password to sign into your account. If you are on the “Front End” you will see what visitors see, except your Name will be at the top of the page on the right side. If you are on the “Back End” you will see the Dashboard. You want to access your profile on the front end. On the Dashboard, go to the top left side of the page and click where it says PsychologyInfo. This will take you to the front end.
- On the top right, roll over your name and click on “Edit My Profile.” You will see seven different categories for information to be added.
Details Additional work locations Therapy Services Academic/Research/Policy Education License Publications
The Details heading should be highlighted and the fields under details are listed. Several fields are required and are noted as required. However, you can choose to not display some fields to the public. - Your First and Last Name, Degree, and Organization are required and will be visible to the public. Under organization, list your primary employer, or if self-employed, list your practice name or your name.
If you wish your degree to be part of your byline in posts and articles, you must add it to your last name, even though your degree is listed in a separate field. - Address 1 is a required field and is your work address. You can choose to not display this address to the public.
- Address 2 is for additional address information if needed.
- City/Town is a required field but can also be hidden from the public.
- Counties Nearby: This field allows you to list 5-7 counties close to your work location to assist people in searching for professionals nearby. If you are near a state border, you can list counties on either side of the border. This is an optional field. It is not displayed in your profile but accessed by the search application.
- State/Province and Postal Code are required and can be visible or hidden.
- Business phone is optional.
- Administrative email is required and hidden. This email address is used to reset your password so it must be unique to each member. Your Contact Email is optional and can be visible or hidden. Members in a group practice can use the same contact email if desired.
- Including a website address is optional.
- Professional Expertise – This field is accessed by the search application. Include keywords that the public might use to locate you. This field is optional but recommended.
- After completing all the fields under details, click on the button to save changes. Then proceed to the next category. (Additional Work Locations). If you only have one work location, you may skip this section. If you have multiple work locations, you can list all your work locations.
- The next category is Therapy Services.
- Accepting New Clients is a required field. The default choice is No. If you provide therapy services and are accepting new clients, indicate whether you are accepting clients in a private practice setting or a clinic/hospital setting. If you do not provide therapy services, you do not need to complete any of the other options in this category.
- The next category is Academic/Research/Policy. This section is for describing work in academic settings (e.g., teaching or research), or for describing research or policy work in other settings. If you only provide therapy services, you can skip this section. All fields are optional.
- The next category is Education. Youi should describe your educational background that confirms your area of expertise.
- The next category is Licensing. If you report that you provide therapy services that require a License or certification, you must list your credentials here. You may also list additional certifications in this section.
- The final category is Publications. This section is optional. You can list professional journal publications, books, or other publications that you have produced. The public can search Research Description fields to identify members who have published in specific areas of expertise. Include keywords in the Research Description section, as well as describing the focus of the publication.
- Biographical Info and Display Name – To access these fields, you much go to the left side of the page and click on the dashboard. Then click on Profile. This is part of the original WordPress data, so it is not listed under the profile information on the right side of the page. Scroll down and you will see “Display name publicly as.” If you added a degree to your Last Name, one choice will be First and Last name. Then scroll further down the list to “About Yourself.” The text in the Biographical Info will be listed at the end of every post and article to publish. If you leave this field empty, your photo and name will be at the end of all posts, and it will read, “View (your name) profile.
You will usually not need to change these two profile items one you select them, but if you do, they are always edited on the left side of the page under dashboard. - You may edit all other fields in your profile at any time by logging in and clicking “edit profile” under your name on the upper right side of the page.